Saturday 16 August 2014

Farewell's Been Fun

Well, it's an end to an era! Squidoo has finally bitten the dust and declared Hub Pages the winner. All 'Best' lenses can be transfered to their new home, but I don't think it will be as easy as that.

I have a full explanation of why I think this will be the case on my blog but at the end of the day, there's gonna be an awful lot of lensmasters left with a nasty taste in their mouth.

I gather anyone who reads this post already knows how Squidoo dealt with the Google slap they received back in 2013. You will know that Squidoo HQ suffered an exaggerated knee jerk reaction to Google's insistance that they clear spam lenses from their platform and the carnage that followed...this was the death knell for the once mighty PR giant.

They gave unclear instructions, locked lenses without explanation, banned accounts without good reason, delivered new rules overnight, twiddled filters to make it almost impossible for those not in the know to comprehend and generally used a sledge hammer to crack a nut.

A lot of very good writers left Squidoo for the way they were treated, and I didn't blame them at all. I stayed only because I thought, I thought, Squidoo would make a recovery. Instead they got a lot worse.

Now they have sold out to Hub Pages with an option for us to transfer our lenses into that platform. What HQ don't tell you is that those lenses had better be top quality or they won't pass QC.
How do we know our lenses will be good enough? How do we transfer lenses en masse? It's all going to get very messy!

We only have a couple of weeks to do all this, and in typical Squidoo directive form, they've left it a bit late. What if you have 400+ lenses to transfer? Good Lord!

Anyway, I stopped making lenses around 14 months ago, so if I do decide to mess around with them (again!) I will only have around 100 to transfer...from 6 accounts...and how do we do all that then?

Never mind though, Squidoo hasn't been well for some time now and lenses are difficult to rank in the Search Engines...but it's still a sad day.

Squidoo has been good to me in the past, so I hold no grudges and wish all lensmasters the best of luck in their new endeavors.

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